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the manuscript

poetry book

the starting point of this project is the Libro de versos iniciado el día 1º de Septiembre de 1920. this is a Spanish language poetry notebook started a century ago, in September of 1920. 

the manuscript contains 43 pages, 27 of which contain handwritten text. thirteen poems are found inside, 5 of which have been previously published under Storni’s book Languidez. several poems inside the notebook have never been published. the pages contain heavily rewritten text, making it ideal for a diplomatic edition representing deletions and additions in a comprehensible way

the manuscript is currently located at the Biblioteca Nacional de la República Argentina (National Library of the Argentine Republic).

the notebook has been digitalized and is currently available to the public through the library’s website, as well as at the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library).